Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Money Talks! What is Yours Saying?

Are you losing sleep at night worrying about your money situation? Are you so stressed that you begin looking for easy and quick solutions? With so many choices of debt consolidation, debt settlement, debt solutions, home equity loans, a second job and last but not least bankruptcy. How do you choose what is best for you???

If this is you then you have come to the right spot. I am a collection manager and have been in the credit and collection industry for 7+ years and most importantly I was in major debt and found a way to get my debt under control. Being in the credit and collection industry was my financial saving grace; I learned a lot of tricks of the trade that not only helped me find a path to financial peace but I have been able to help thousands of consumers find the same path.

This blog is designed so that I can share what I have learned and expose what creditor's don't want you to know. Everyday I will focus on a new topic that will empower you with hidden knowledge. I have been in collections for almost a decade so I will spend a lot of time helping you deal with your collection accounts, repairing your credit, setting a budget, rebuilding your credit, paying off your current debt, preparing for your future and much more!

Please fill free to post your comments or questions because knowledge is only beneficial if shared!

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